How To Earn $100 per day from google?

Published in
4 min readMay 27, 2022


Many people today are making an income like this so you can too.

Image by Gerd Altmann from aPixabay

First, create a website. Then drive visitors to it and monetize from Google.

If you want to earn $100 per day from the website, you must spend 6 months to 1 year on that website, which means you have to work with great patience.

I know a number of mothers who have been earning this way since 2014.

Although I tried unsuccessfully at the same time. Consistency is the key to success. Which took me a long time to understand.

With the evolution of time, various new topics have come to the fore today so you can create a website on the topic of your choice such as Parenting, Pet Caring, Online Shop, and Make Money Online have been widely discussed since 2015.

Surveys have shown that some successful bloggers who have chosen to blog as a profession are earning a regular income. At least $150k or $50k or $2k per month year after year.

What Are You waiting for…

Suddenly a lot of money will fall on you from the sky.


Money Making Blog:

Money Making Blog Content Discusses How To Make Money Online.

They Discuss lots of tips and tricks about how you can make money online by following them.

Most of the time they talk in detail about the details which is very useful for beginners. So if you are a beginner you can learn a lot from websites that will make your future blogging successful.

For example, here are some personal finance blogs with income reports so that you can be encouraged to create a blog like this or a successful blog like this.

Making Sense of Cents

Believe in a Budget

Busy Budgeter

Food Making Blog:

The popularity of recipe blogs is at its peak these days. The monthly search volume is much higher and their CPC is much better. You can buy recipe ebooks from Amazon for recipe blogs. You can then use it as content on your blogging website.

